Valuable resources📖

FREE BOOK! Must read for all men

The Way Of The Superior Man Pdf
PDF – 1.2 MB 57 downloads

FREE BOOK! Must read for all aspiring yogis

Charles F Haanel Amazing Secrets Of The Yogi Pdf
PDF – 827.0 KB 49 downloads

Below are a list of books and social media pages to follow which I think are valuable to anyone who wants to better themselves.


Hatha yoga pradipka - Swami Muktibodhananda

Asana pranayama mudra bandha - Swami Saraswati

Ayurveda, science of self healing - Vasant lad

Bhagavad Gita - Swami Prabhupada

The amazing secrets of the yogi - Charles haanal 

Autobiograohy of a yogi - Yogananda

Practical Ayurveda - Sivananda yoga vedanta centre

The Essene way of biogenic living - Edmond Bordeaux

The Essene gospel of peace 

Becoming supernatural - Dr. Joe Dispenza

Bhagavad Gita

The volumes of Swami vivikenanda


Social media 

Satvic yoga - Instagram 

John St Julien (sacred anatomy, Christian mysticm) - YouTube 

Hindu monk - Youtube

my_ayurvedic_life - Instagram 

AyurvedaCollege - Youtube

Satvic movement - Instagram

Simonsynergy - instagram 

vitalveda - instagram

Gree yogabhyasi - Instagram 

Yogaprasad_institute - Instagram 

Taylor Johnson, sexual mastery (men) - YouTube 

Sexual kung fu, sexual mastery (men) - YouTube

Damo mitchell, internal arts - Insta, youtube 

Aaron daughty - Instagram/youtube (self development)